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Fractal Application

Using The Configuration

The rest of this article gives simple methodologies for deploying and managing the fractal application by editing the Jsonnet configuration and then applying these changes. In order to reproduce this case study there are a few pre-requisites:

  • A Linux or OSX system with GNU Make.
  • Packer, built from github, in your $PATH.
  • Terraform, built from github, in your $PATH.
  • Jsonnet, built from github (this is also where you find the configuration and source code).
  • An account on Google Cloud Platform (hosting the application will incur charges).

Once those are satisfied, follow these steps:

  1. In the Google Cloud Platform console, open your project, go to APIs and Auth / credentials, and create a new service account. This will automatic download a p12 key, which you can delete as we will not be using it. Instead, click the button to download a JSON key for the new service account, move it to the fractal directory, and call it service_account_key.json.
  2. Create a credentials.jsonnet file based on the template, fill in your GCP project name and make up some unique passwords.

Initial Deployment and Tear Down

To deploy the application, run make -j. This should start running 3 Packer builds in parallel. In a separate terminal, use tail -f *.log in order to watch their progress. When the images are built, Terraform will show you the proposed changes (a long list of resources to be created). Enter y to confirm the changes. In time, the application will be deployed. Now you only need the appserv ip address to connect to it. You can get this using "gcloud compute addresses list" or by navigating the Google Cloud Platform console to "networks". Opening that ip in a web browser should take you to the fractal application itself.

The application can be brought down again by running terraform destroy. Terraform remembers the resources it created via the terraform.tfstate file. This will not destroy the Packer images; they can be deleted from the console or from gcloud.

Managing a production web service usually means making continual changes to it instead of bringing the whole thing down and up again, as we will shortly discuss. However it is still useful to bring up a fresh application for testing / development purposes. A copy or variant of the production service can be brought up concurrently with the production service (e.g., in a different project). This can be useful for QA, automatic integration testing, or load testing. It is also useful for training new ops staff or rehearsing a complex production change in a safe environment.

Add / Remove Cassandra Nodes

Managing the Cassandra cluster requires a combination of configuration alteration (to control the fundamental compute resources) and use of the Cassandra command line tool "nodetool" on the instances themselves. For example "nodetool status fractal" on any Cassandra instance will give information about the whole cluster.

To add a new node (expand the cluster), simply edit service.jsonnet, add another instance in the Terraform configuration and run make -j. Confirm the changes (the only change should be the new instance, e.g., db4). It will start up and soon become part of the cluster.

To remove a node, first decommission it using nodetool -h HOSTNAME decommission. When that is complete, destroy the actual instance by updating service.jsonnet to remove the resource and run make -j again. Confirm the removal of the instance. It is OK to remove the first node, but its replacement should use GcpTopUpMixin instead of GcpStarterMixin. You can recycle all of the nodes if you do it one at a time, which is actually necessary for emergency kernel upgrades.

If a node is permanently and unexpectedly lost (e.g., a disk error), or you removed it without first decommissioning it, the cluster will remain in a state where it expects the dead node to return at some point (as if it were temporarily powered down or on the wrong side of a network split). This situation can be rectified with nodetool removenode UUID, run from any other node in the cluster. In this case it is probably also necessary to run nodetool repair on the other nodes to ensure data is properly distributed.

Canary A Change To The Application Server

To introduce new functionality to the application server it is useful to divert a small proportion of user traffic to the new code to ensure it is working properly. After this initial "canary" test has passed, the remaining traffic can then be confidently transferred to the new code. The same can be said for the tile generation service (e.g. to update the C++ code).

The model used by this example is that the application server logic and static content are embedded in the application server image. Canarying consists of building a new image and then rolling it out gradually one instance at a time. Each step of this methodology consists of a small modification to service.jsonnet and then running make -j.

  1. Edit the appserv.packer.json packer configuration in service.jsonnet to update the date embedded in the name field to the current date, and also make any desired changes to the configuration of the image or any of the referenced Python / HTML / CSS files.
  2. Run make -j to build the new image. Note that the previous image is still available under the old name, which means it is possible to create new instances using either the old or new image. This feature is essential to allow ongoing maintenance of the cluster if the change is rolled back.
  3. Create a single instance with the new image by adding it to the google_compute_instance section of service.jsonnet . The easiest way to do this is to copy-paste the existing definition, and modify the image name in the copy to reflect the new image. This allows easily rolling back by deleting the copied code, and you can also transition the rest of the nodes by deleting the original copy. Thus, the duplication is only temporary. At this point the configuration may look like this:
    google_compute_instance: {
        ["appserv" + k]: resource.FractalInstance(k) {
            name: "appserv" + k,
            image: "appserv-v20141222-0300",
        for k in [1, 2, 3]
    } + {
        ["appserv" + k]: resource.FractalInstance(k) {
            name: "appserv" + k,
            image: "appserv-v20150102-1200",
        for k in [4]
    } + ...
    Also modify the appserv target pool to add the new instance 4, thus ensuring it receives traffic.
    appserv: {
          name: "appserv",
          health_checks: ["${}"],
          instances: [ "%s/appserv%d" % [zone(k), k] for k in [1, 2, 3, 4] ],
  4. Run make -j to effect those changes, and monitor the situation to ensure that there is no spike in errors. It is also possible to run make -j between the above two steps if it is desired to interact with the new instance before directing user traffic at it.
  5. If there is a problem, pull 4 out of the target pool and re-run make -j. That will leave the instance up (useful for investigation) but it will no-longer receive user traffic. Otherwise, add more instances (5, 6, ...) and add them to the target pool. You can now start pulling the old instances out of the target pool ensuring that there is always sufficient capacity for your traffic load. As always, make -j punctuates the steps.
  6. Once the old instances are drained of user traffic, they can be destroyed. You can do this in batches or one at a time. Eventually, the configuration will look like this, at which point the first block no-longer contributes anything to the configuration and it can be deleted:
    google_compute_instance: {
        ["appserv" + k]: resource.FractalInstance(k) {
            name: "appserv" + k,
            image: "appserv-v20141222-0300",
        for k in []
    } + {
        ["appserv" + k]: resource.FractalInstance(k) {
            name: "appserv" + k,
            image: "appserv-v20150102-1200",
        for k in [4, 5, 6]
    } + ... 


We have shown how Jsonnet can be used to centralize, unify, and manage configuration for a realistic cloud application. We have demonstrated how programming language abstraction techniques make the configuration very concise, with re-usable elements separated into template libraries. Complexity is controlled in spite of the variety of different configurations, formats, and tasks involved.

Finally we demonstrated how with a little procedural glue to drive other processes (the humble UNIX make), we were able to build an operations methodology where many aspects of the service can be controlled centrally by editing a single Jsonnet file and issuing make -j update commands.

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